Support a Student
The WTAMU Band network is truly an amazing one. Today, our alumni are leading the top band programs in the nation, performing in world-class concert halls, and using the skills and techniques that they learned and developed in the WT Band to better their businesses, enrich their communities, and live meaningful and impactful lives.
But, it all starts here – in a band hall in Canyon, Texas.
You know that the music education and experiences you received at West Texas A&M rival that of any other major institution. The WTAMU Band needs your help to continue attracting and supporting top talent, ensuring the legacy of the Sound of West Texas continues to thrive.
Your donation to the band scholarship fund today supports the success of a student tomorrow.
We are so proud of our alumni’s ability to support deserving students with scholarships.
Thank you for believing in our students and programs.
See A Special Message
From Don Lefevre.

Goal to Raise: $100,000 in Donations
Total Raised: $95,400

Choose a Recurring Monthly Donation or a One Time Donation
A huge thank you to our monthly donors that help make this possible!
Luis Bencomo
Randy & Cindy Vaughn
Judy Pierce
Darrell & Lamoyne Garrison
Wildy Zumwalt
Mike & Cindy Bulloch
Russ Teweleit
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Worosello (Susan)
Marc Shellum
Mrs. Lucrezia "Lulu" Lehmann
Hanna Garcia
Don Lefevre
Kathy Kendle
Kendra Nichols
Caryn Crutchfield
BreeAnne Harweth
Kelly Montgomery
Angela Blackiston
Vicki Glenn
Pano Mata
Daniel Loudenback
William Takacs
Robert Rumph
We also thank our 2024 donors for their contributions!
Richard Perryman
Lisa Fitts
Jolette Wine
Diane Chalk
Karen Wright
John Bryan Burton
Juliana Riecss
Sherry McQueen
Dr. Gary Garner
Bo Galvan
Rudy Rodriguez Sanchez
Aaron Killam
George Carpenter
Charles Johnson
Stephanie Williams
Brenda Schroer
Sean Rohde
Brent Key
If your name has been inadvertently left off this list, please contact Don Lefevre at:
Choose a Recurring Monthly Donation or a One Time Donation
Any amount will go a long way, including monthly giving
- $50 Helps support one credit hour at WTAMU
- $100 Helps support the cost of required supplies and materials
- $250 Helps support the cost of textbooks
- $500 Helps offset the cost of a Meal Plan
- $1000 Helps support two semesters (24 credit hours) at WTAMU
A recurring monthly donation is ideal but anything helps!
Your gift is tax-deductible and helps band students offset the rising costs of tuition so they can continue to focus on learning and growing as talented musicians. The WTAMU Band accepts all donations through a special WT Band fund held with the Opportunity Plan, a Canyon-based 501c3 nonprofit committed to supporting students with college expenses.
To give, click the button above. You will be automatically redirected to the secure WT Band Opportunity Plan Fund site to complete your donation to either The Gary & Mariellen Garner Band Scholarship Fund or the Don Baird Memorial Scholarship Fund. Both funds support our WTAMU Band Student Scholarships.

Dr. Gary & Mariellen Garner WTAMU Band Scholarship
The Dr. Gary & Mariellen Garner Band Scholarship Fund at O.P.I. honors an unparalleled legacy that began in 1963. With the help of our donors, talented students from all regions of Texas will have an opportunity to begin a degree at one of the finest music programs in the nation. We are excited about our future at West Texas A&M University School of Music, and believe that our best years are yet to come.

Don Baird Low Brass Scholarship
The Don Baird Memorial Scholarship Fund at O.P.I. was generously seeded by Robert Frost in the spring of 2021. Robert is a former student of Mr. Baird, and he has been an avid supporter of the WT Band and our students for over five decades. Don Baird was an integral part of the WT Band program, and this memorial scholarship fund honors his legacy through support of the low brass recipients.
Other Ways To GiveOther Ways To Give
Leave a Legacy
Including a charitable bequest in your will is a simple way to make a lasting gift to the WTAMU Band. To leave a bequest, add WTAMU Band to an existing will or draft a new one. Make a gift of a stated dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or the remainder after distributions to others. Leave a legacy, yet preserve and enjoy assets you might need during your lifetime.
Other Gifts to Consider:
- Retirement Plan Assets
- Charitable Trusts
- Gifts of Life Insurance
- Gifts of Stock
- Anonymous Gifts
Please consult with your tax advisor or planning professional to decide what is the best choice for you.

Marcia McEntyre Zoffuto Memorial Music Scholarship (Endowed)
Awarded to West Texas A&M music education students
Endowment Manager: Dick Clardy