1968 TMEA Performance by WT

We would like to take time to celebrate the upcoming 16th performance by a WT Band at the Texas Music Educators Association Convention by giving you highlights of the previous 15 performances. (btw—it is the most performances by any university band at TMEA)

We start with the first WT performance in 1968. These highlights will be very short snippets of the entire performance. You can find the entire performance on our website wtbandalumni.band > Media > Recordings.

Register or login to hear these wonderful performances that showcase the legacy of so many hardworking and accomplished musicians and directors.

1968 TMEA Performance

4. Fanfare March - Roger Nixon

2024 TMEA

WT will be performing at the 2024 TMEA Clinic/Convention in San Antonio on February 8. It is our goal to have as many Alumni as possible attending the Symphonic Band's performance this year.

We will have more information coming in the next few days for time and place of the 2024 tour performances!



  1. Cindy Bulloch on January 23, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    I sure loved hearing the 1968 TMEA performance excerpt! I know WT was the talk of the convention and can’t wait to hear them in February! Excited to see lots of WT grads in the audience!

  2. Kyle Maxwell on January 24, 2024 at 8:10 pm

    I’m fortunate enough to own a copy of this 1968 recording (on vinyl!) It has some really great music and is played with typical WT flair!

  3. Michael Doran on January 26, 2024 at 10:56 am

    Of COURSE we’ve been invited more than ANY others!!!
    Soooooo proud of WT’s music school and our outstanding
    Dr. Garner placed the bar sky high and the amazing quality
    and talent of those who’ve followed has held it there so very
    capably!! WTSU❣️ WTAMU❣️ ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    Comment we received from Karen Wright

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