Bassoon Studio Update & Schedule

WTAMU Bassoon Studio Update
The bassoon studio at WT is excited for a semester full of great performances! We hope you’ll join us for some of these concerts and share them with any of your current students. Dr. Conor Bell (bassoon) and Dr. Kathleen Bell (oboe) are passionate about helping pre-college double reed players! We would love to come work with your students and to answer any questions you or they might have about double reeds!
Schedule of Events Spring 2025
Elicio Winds Chamber Recital with Chamber Music Amarillo
Thursday, February 15
Amarillo Museum of Art
7:30 pm
Joined by Dr. Virginia Kunzer, flute (Auburn University), Dr. Conor Bell and Dr. Kathleen Bell present a chamber music recital of pieces from their CD, Convergence, and premiere a new work by Dr. Conor Bell.
Dr. Bell Concerto Performance
Friday, March 8
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
7:30 pm
On a program by Chamber Music Amarillo, Dr. Conor Bell will perform Connor Chee’s stunning new concerto for bassoon and strings.
Daniel Gonzales Senior Bassoon Recital
Saturday, March 23
5:00 pm
Daniel Gonzales will present his senior recital as part of his music education degree.
Bassoon Studio Recital
Wednesday, April 17
6:00 pm
Members of the WT Bassoon studio present solo and chamber works.
Double Reed Bash
Friday, April 26
Northen Recital Hall
9:30 am – 12:00pm
We hope you’ll join us for the first ever West Texas A&M combined Double Reed Bash in Mary Moody Northen Hall. Welcome to all pre-college bassoonists and oboists, as well as local teachers, and even secondary students. We will do some work on fundamentals and then rehearse and perform a brief concert of music for double reed ensemble.
We do hope you’ll be able to make it out and we are happy to be of assistance with any Double Reed questions you might have!
For the most up to date info regarding concert livestreams and registration for the Double Reed Bash, be sure to follow our Facebook page and Instagram—@BuffBassoons
Dr. Conor Bell
Assistant Professor of Bassoon
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