Saxophone and Electronic Ensembles to Perform at WT

The WT Saxophone Studio will welcome guest artist Jacob Nance, a doctoral candidate at Michigan State University, for a performance at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 3 in the Sybil B. Harrington Fine Arts Complex Recital Hall. Admission is free.
Nance will perform “Monologo en Tiempo de Jaropo” by Carlos Guzman and—with Dr. James Barger, associate professor of saxophone—“Wanderlust” by Julianna Voelker.
Students also will perform “Senbonzakura” by Kurousa-P, “Recitation Book” by David Maslanka, “The Mechanics” by Carter Pann, “Celtic Suite” by Gavin Whitlock, “Damned Spiders” by Alun Cook, “7 Days Total” by Jenni Watson and “Sushi Stegosaurus” by Matthew Kennedy.
Performers will include Owen Stayton, a freshman electrical engineering major from Canyon; Orlando Moreno, a junior music technology major from Stamford; Winter Hartnett, a sophomore music education major from Bryan; Joseph Fondren, a sophomore music education and performance major from Arlington; Emanuel Garcia, a junior music education major from Dumas; Michael Larson, a sophomore music education and performance major from Amarillo; Carter Rybarski, a senior music technology major from Brenham; Dillon Martin, a senior music education major from Odessa; Adrian Perez, a freshman music education major from Laredo; Zach Limb, a senior music education major from Midland; Trace Freeman, a freshman music education major from Crosbyton; Coby Mount, a senior music education and composition major from Midland; and Aaron Erickson, a graduate music performance student from Georgetown.