WT Band Student Spotlight: Blake Livingston

Name: Blake Livingston

Years in Band: 2017 - 2024

Graduation & Degrees:
Bachelor of Music All level Teaching Certification (May 2022),

Master of Music Performance Conducting (May 2024)

What is your name?
Blake Livingston.

What years were you in the WT Band? When do you graduate?
I have been in the WT Band since the Fall of 2017 and will be Graduating May 2024.

What is your degree in?
Bachelor of Music All level Teaching Certification (May 2022), Master of Music Performance Conducting (May 2024)

Where are you living now and what are you doing?
I currently living in an apartment in Canyon, TX. I am a full-time student and have taken off work for my last semester at WT. I chose this decision to make the most of my both musical opportunities and the relationships I have formed in my many years at WT.

Tell us about your family.
I come from a decently large family, My mom and stepdad both work at the hospitals in Amarillo and I have five sisters, in which I am the second oldest of the bunch.

What instrument do you play?

What ensembles and student groups were you involved in while you were at WT?
The ensembles I have been a part of are Concert and Symphonic Bands, Jazz I & II, Brass Choir, Trumpet Ensemble, and Chamber Choir. My student group involvement consists of being an Alumni Member of Mu Phi Epsilon (VP Fall 2018- Fall 2020) and slightly over a year ago, I was granted Honorary Membership into Tau Beta Sigma (fall 2022).

Tell us a favorite band memory that you have from your time at WT.
My favorite WT Band memory has to be playing in Lila Cockrell Theatre at this past TMEA. However, CBNA in Athens, Georgia is a close second.

What is one significant thing that you learned from your time at WT?
During my time at WT, I have learned so much that putting one over the others is a difficult task. However, if I must choose, I think the most important thing I have learned is to be confident in yourself. Everyone at WT is trying to learn and gain experience in our respective fields. I had always asked myself if I would be a successful teacher, but it wasn’t until I was a student teacher that I realized I could be. That’s when it set in that we are all capable of being great in our fields and should not doubt ourselves.

What are some of your favorite musical memories?
My all-time favorite musical memory would be playing in Lila Cockrell at this year's TMEA. Having the opportunity to play at this concert will be something I remember for the rest of my life and will not be taken for granted. I am so thankful to Mr. Lefevre, Dr. Garner, and Dr. Teweleit for working with the band and helping us strive for greatness.

Another special memory is one I shared with my friend Ashton Young during high school. During our sophomore year, we would go upstairs in the Amarillo High uniform room and practice for hours after school. Whether it was working on All-Region etudes, Bugler’s Holiday, or just working on fundamentals, we were always trying to help each other get better. This was also the time both of us decided we were going to be music majors. These memories ultimately impacted the rest of my life and will always be cherished.

Why did you come to WT?
I ultimately chose to come to WT because of Band Camp; I started attending camp the summer before my sophomore year of high school. During the subsequent four camps, I made so many friends, and memories, and learned so much from the faculty during camp that it felt like the natural choice. There was also a huge benefit with this choice, I was able to start college with many friends and be close to my family in Amarillo.

What was your favorite band trip and why did you like it so much?
My favorite trip was last year during the WT Band tour. We traveled to Dallas and performed at many of the top schools in Texas. While performing at and meeting students from these schools was a treat, my favorite portion of the trip was in Athens, Georgia. We got to hear many Amazing Collegiate bands from across America. The program we watched that stood out the most was the University of Georgia’s performance, being in the same audience as Phillip Smith and getting to hear Chris Martin and Joe Alessi live was astounding.

Do you have any advice for current WT students?
The best piece of advice I could give anyone is persistence. Occasionally, college and life can be overwhelming, but always try to keep going. More often than not, our best triumphs come in the face of adversity. I believe all of y’all are very capable of doing amazing things.

What is your next goal after WT?
Upon graduation, my goal is to find a teaching job and gain more experience in the field. I am looking forward to teaching and inspiring students, much like my teachers have inspired me.

What else would you like for us to know? (Career or family highlights, awesome memories, people who inspired you at WT etc.)
Along with my four years of attending band camp, I have been in the band camp work crew for five years. This summer, I am looking forward to my final year with the crew and completing year ten of attendance with the camp.


  1. Cindy Bulloch on April 18, 2024 at 9:22 am

    Congratulations, Blake! You will have to let us know where you land! Those lessons in persistence will
    be your ticket to a successful teaching career! Its the MOST rewarding WORK you will ever love!

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