WT Band Student Spotlight: Maddlyn Worley

What is your name?
Maddlyn Worley
What years were you in the WT Band? When do you graduate?
I have been in the WT band for three years, and I graduate in May of 2024
What is your degree in?
Instrumental Music Education
Where are you living now and what are you doing?
I currently live in Canyon, where I am student teaching working to be able to afford Graduate School
Tell us about your family.
I have two younger sisters and two very supportive parents
What instrument do you play?
What ensembles and student groups were you involved in while you were at WT?
Mu Phi Epsilon, Sound of West Texas Marching Band, Concert band, Symphonic Band, and the WT Symphony orchestra.
Tell us a favorite band memory that you have from your time at WT.
my favorite band memory from WT is the time that the symphonic band traveled to CBDNA in Athens, Georgia. That tour sparked two very important friendships in my life, and without that experience I would have never met these two people!
What is one significant thing that you learned from your time at WT?
you should learn as much about everything you can while you're surrounded by experts. Don't sit passively by in class, participate and put forth your best effort!
What are some of your favorite musical memories?
Going to TMEA with the WT Symphonic Band and performing with some of the best musicians in the Panhandle was a wonderful experience!!
Why did you come to WT?
WT is an affordable option that is close to home with so many wonderful opportunities. It was an easy choice!
What was your favorite band trip and why did you like it so much?
When the WT Symphonic Band toured to Athens, Georgia to play at CBDNA. It was one of my first times flying on an airplane!
Do you have any advice for current WT students?
Stop comparing yourself to others. Everyone is on a different path, and you're doing great!
Also go to class 🙂
What is your next goal after WT?
I am going to return to WT to complete a graduate degree. I will study conducting with Mr. Lefevre, and I will graduate in May of 2026 with my masters degree!
What else would you like for us to know? (Career or family highlights, awesome memories, people who inspired you at WT etc.)
I have been teaching with 3 different schools throughout my entire undergraduate degree. One of these programs has made it to the area marching band competition for the first time in school history, and others have helped me develop a small private studio that consists of students from 6th to 12th grade. I am also graduating with my bachelor's degree in only 3 years, and I will have my masters in 2 more!