WT Band Student Spotlight: Shawn Fausto

What is your name?

Shawn Frausto

What years were you in the WT Band? When do you graduate?

2020-24 and I graduate in the fall of 2024

What is your degree in?

Music Education

Where are you living now and what are you doing?

I am currently living in the dorms at WT. Next semester I will live in Amarillo and plan to student teach.

Tell us about your family.

I come from a family with a single mother and three siblings. We always do our best to make the most of what we have and can be a fun rowdy bunch.

What instrument do you play?

Clarinet is my primary, but I know sax and organ fairly well too!

What ensembles and student groups were you involved in while you were at WT?

I have been a part of both the concert band and symphonic band as well as the jazz II ensemble. I have also been a part of Kappa Kappa Psi since the first year I have been in college.

Tell us a favorite band memory that you have from your time at WT.

I think my favorite moment had to be playing with the symphonic band at this last 2024 TMEA. It was just so unreal and such an amazing experience.

What is one significant thing that you learned from your time at WT?

I think one of the most significant things that I learned from my time at WT would have to be how to take charge in my life.

What are some of your favorite musical memories?

Aside from TMEA some of my favorite musical memories have been getting to play in recitals with my fellow brothers of Kappa Kappa Psi. Our recitals have always been fun and have been another way for us to gain confidence in ourselves as musicians.

Why did you come to WT?

A lot of amazing people I know graduated from WT or teach at WT!

What was your favorite band trip and why did you like it so much?

My favorite band trip actually has to be when we did our Panhandle tour in the symphonic band. So many crazy and funny things happened on that trip that make it so memorable.

Do you have any advice for current WT students?

Don't be afraid to ask for help! I was definitely stubborn and survived, but it would have been a lot easier if I ask for help more often. Also don't for get to sign up for the education department and study for your big exams early!

What is your next goal after WT?

i hope to find a job with supportive co-workers and mentors. I look forward to continuing to learn more and more about this wonderful world of music and how to give back for all it has done for me.

What else would you like for us to know?

My time at WT has truly been something I'll remember and cherish for the rest of my life. The people here have truly been some of the most amazing people in my life and I want to thank them from the bottom of my heart.


  1. Cindy Bulloch on April 18, 2024 at 3:50 pm

    Congratulations, Shawn! You will learn so much during student teaching……..a GREAT opportunity to ask lots of questions! Best wishes for continued great experiences as you become a music educator!

  2. George Carpenter on April 18, 2024 at 9:26 pm

    I had a friend named Juan Frausto, at the University of Texas when I was there (not as a music major), in the early 1960’s. He was a trombone player, my instrument. He played in a conjunto on weekends to support his family, and was killed coming back to Austin from a gig in the valley. He was married and had a couple of children. Are you related to Juan? You look like Juan, even the beard.

    Congratulations on your graduation from WT. It was the best musical training situation for me as well (class of ’71).

    George A. Carpenter, Jr., Ph. D.

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