70th Annual WT Band Camp

The 70th annual WT Band Camp is coming up July 9th through 15th!
2023 Evening & Activity Schedule for Students
The WTAMU Virgil Henson Activities Center is open for band campers. This includes a new walking track, a bowling alley, racquetball courts, and basketball.
In addition, the following special events are planned:
Monday, July 10
*Band & Orchestra Rehearsals 7:00 - 8:00
Get-Acquainted Dance 8:30 - 10:00, in Legacy Hall
Bingo 8:45 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Tuesday, July 11
TEXAS 6:30 departure from campus
Dance 8:00 - 10:00, in Legacy Hall
Karaoke 8:00 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Wednesday, July 12
*7:00 Camp Faculty Recital & Allen Vizzutti in Legacy Hall for grades 6-8.
*7:00 Camp Faculty Recital & Allen Vizzutti Trumpet Recital in NRH for grades 9-12.
Dance 8:00 - 10:00, in Legacy Hall
Bingo 8:00 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Thursday, July 13
*3:00 HS Woodwind Ensemble/Percussion Ensemble/Brass Choir/Percussion Ensemble in NRH
*3:00 Brass Choir/Woodwind Ensemble in Legacy Hall
*7:00 HS Jazz Ens. I & Faculty Jazz Band Concert in NRH
*7:00 HS Jazz Ens. III & II in Legacy Hall
Dance 8:30 - 10:00, in Legacy Hall
Karaoke 8:30 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Friday, July 14
*1:30 Ensemble Concert in NRH & Legacy Hall
*3:30 Directors’ Band Concert in NRH for Junior High campers
*4:30 Director’s Band Concert in NRH for High School campers
Camp Ball 8:00 - 10:30, in Legacy Hall
Bingo 8:00 – 10:00, in Legends Club
Saturday, July 15
*Attendance is required at activities that are in bold-face type and preceded by an asterisk.
Commuters are encouraged to attend evening activities, but attendance is not required.
If possible, we would like you to attend the evening band rehearsals on Monday, July 10th. However, if you are on campus during evening hours you must attend the required activities with the residential students.
This Schedule is tentative and is subject to change in order to adhere to covid protocols that are in place during camp.
- 10:30 Junior Varsity Band BIT
- 10:30 Junior Honors Band NRH
- 11:00 Junior Concert Band BIT
- 11:15 Symphony Orchestra NRH
- 11:30 Junior Symphonic Band BIT
- Noon High School Concert Band NRH
- 12:15 High School White Band BIT
- 12:45 High School Symphonic Band NRH
- 1:00 Philharmonic Orchestra BIT
- 1:30High School Honors BandNRH
- 1:30 High School Maroon Band BIT
BIT - Branding Iron Theatre (Fine Arts Complex)
NRH - Northen Recital Hall (Northen Hall)