Opportunity to Help WT Band Student!

We have another opportunity to help one of our young WT Band Students with a prestigious summer camp. Read below:
"Dear WT Band Alumni,
My name is Aubyn Nall and I am a trumpet player at WT. This summer, I have been invited to attend the Eastman School of Music Summer Trumpet Institute, happening July 28-August 3 in Rochester, New York.
During this program, I will be participating in masterclasses, military band and orchestra mock auditions, and lessons under a prestigious faculty. The faculty includes Wesley Nance and Andrew McCandless (Eastman Trumpet Faculty), Micah Wilkinson (Principal Trumpet, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra), Christopher Sala (Principal Trumpet, US Navy Band), Kristopher Westrich (Assistant Principal Trumpet, US Air Force Concert Band), and Jennifer Marotta (Former Trumpet, US Marine Band President’s Own, and current USC Thornton School of Music Trumpet Faculty). This wonderful program comes at a high price of $2,000 due to travel, lodging, and tuition, but I would like to explain a bit about myself below before asking for any support.
I recently finished my junior year as a music education major at WT. I truly love performing and teaching, and I have been playing trumpet since the age of 9. At WT, I am involved in the Symphonic Band, National Trumpet Competition (NTC) Trumpet Ensemble, and the undergraduate brass quintet, Pinnacle Brass. Pinnacle Brass was formed in September of 2023 and had the honor of being a semi-finalist in the Coltman Chamber Music Competition in March of 2024 in Austin, Texas (we were the only brass quintet to be invited!). Within the Canyon/Amarillo community, I also work as a marching and brass technician, and visual choreographer for the West Plains High School Band which I have enjoyed doing since the completion of marching the 2022 season of Drum Corps International with Carolina Crown. Additionally, I teach 7 lesson students regularly. I also occasionally get to sub in the Amarillo Symphony Orchestra thanks to the kindness of my wonderful professor, Dr. Takacs. In September of 2022, I began to explore the possibilities of a career in a premier military band, and I have been working towards that goal ever since. So far, I have taken an audition for the U.S. Army Pershing’s Own Ceremonial Band last June, was invited to and participated in the second round for an audition with the U.S. Air Force Ceremonial Brass in January of this year, and was approached by an audition committee following our performance at NTC to audition for the U.S. Army Field Band.
These have been wonderful and tremendous growing experiences for me, and I am set on achieving my goal of being in a premier military band one day. For this reason, I truly believe that the Eastman Summer Trumpet Institute will open many doors for me in my future career. This summer I will also be attending MasterWorks Festival which came with a hefty price tag of $4,300, and despite working 30 hours a week during the school year, and full time currently, I am struggling slightly to meet my fees for Eastman. I am hoping to raise $1,000 for my studies at Eastman this summer and my due date for tuition is June 10th- although housing is due at a later date.
If you have any questions regarding my musical goals or what I will be doing this summer, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at au*******@gm***.com. Any support means the absolute world to me, and I would be unbelievably grateful. Thank you so much for your time and consideration!"
I would also like to attach these YouTube links in case alumni would like to hear my playing, and I have attached my photo to this email.
Thank you so much for your time,
Aubyn Nall
Below you will find a link to the Opportunity Plan website where you can make your donations. Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions given below.
Should you have questions, please contact the Opportunity Plan @ 806-655-2528.
We applaud our WT Band Students for continuing to put themselves among the best in the nation and seeking opportunities to improve.
Go Buffs!

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Aubyn Nall Scholarship

Donations to Aubyn are being handled by Opportunity Plan, Inc and are processed by Paypal.
Please use the following Donate button to contribute to the scholarship.